Perguntas a Fazer Antes de Abrir um Novo Cartão de Crédito

A vida, não muito diferente das suas finanças, muda com o tempo. É provável que você tenha superado o seu cartão de crédito atual. Mas que perguntas você deve considerar antes de solicitar um novo cartão?

Do I Need A New Card?

First take a look at whether or not you actually need a new card. New things can be tempting but if you don’t actually need one then you are better off sticking with what you have.

Consertar o seu crédito pode ser tão simples como fazer uma chamada! Estamos aqui para o ajudar a reconstruir e a compreender o seu crédito. Ligue-nos para começar ou saiba mais sobre o que podemos fazer por si 1-800-431-0449.

Will I Be Applying For A Loan Soon?

If you will soon be applying for a mortgage or car loan you may want to hold off on getting a new credit card. When applying for a new card a hard inquiry is put on your credit which results in a small by not insignificant dip in your credit score (this generally resolves after a few months). You may want to wait until after you get that big loan to apply for a new card.

Is It Better Than What I Have?

If you’ve found a new card take a look at the details. What is the interest rate? What are the fees? What kind of rewards program is there? Make sure you know fully what you are getting before applying. Make sure you are getting a good deal and that your next credit move is a positive one.

Do I Have Good Habits?

If you have trouble paying off your current loans and credit cards you might want to hold off on creating any more debt. If you tend to miss payments or spend far beyond your means you may want to take a step back and work on creating better habits and paying downs some debts before opening a new card.

Do I Have A Ton of Cards?

There is no sweet spot when it comes to the number of credit cards one person should have but if you are paying multiple bills every month chances are you don’t need another one. Even if you have no problem paying adding another bill is giving yourself another chance to forget a payment. If you do go with the new card consider transferring balances to the best card to consolidate your payments.